Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Codex to Fix Stupidity::

1) Anyone is capable of being a total ignoramous, moron. No matter their creed or political view.
2) Anyone can be a racist. Reshaping the word, to where only one demographic can be guilty of this, only serves to demonize one group and grant the other immunity.
3) Because someone has dyed hair, that does not mean they are an extremist/political kind of person. It could mean:
 a) They like the way it looks
 b) "That guy from the band" looked cool with it
 c) They're an otaku
 d) They're artsy in some way
4) It's just as dumb for people to get up-in-arms/"triggered" over crass humor, as much as it is for people to lose their shit when they find out someone is vegan. "Mind your own business" can be a mantra to fix the stupidity of both groups of people.
5) No one owns a culture. Evolution is part of every living being on this earth. Culture is no exception to this rule. To keep cultures/aesthetics only available to one group is not only stupid, but denying the inevitable that traditions/art/style/aesthetics will one day mend together.
6) It isn't bigoted to voice concerns about a religion/ideology that promotes violence.
7) If you join a violent/bigoted group of people just to "piss off the other side," then you aren't a very rational or mature human being.
8) Call out culture is a disease that ruins society when it paints a large group of people with the same broad of brush. It divides people and destroys any opportunity of co-existence, and end the end, is just a bitchy witch hunt for the goal of moral grand-standing.
9) If attractive fictional characters offend you, you don't have to watch. You don't get to enforce your morals/ideology on those that aren't offended.
10) For the last fucking time, if "soy" really is something that you're concerned about, and you're terrified that it will feminize you, you're more at risk eating that burgers/steak than the vegan eating their texturized vegetable protein. Look up the additives in factory farmed meat, especially those bought at your local fast-food/department store locations.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Nobodies Girl™

Unplugging from the internet. It sounds so, easy, but it's an addiction. Sometimes I feel as if I'm injecting heroin into my veins every time I wander on social media. It's a redundant battle of hypocrisy, tribalism, vanity/narcissism, and a cesspool of ads.

It can be tenfold more toxic, when you just don't/can't fit into anyone's mold. I'm never going to be the good little social justice warrior; simultaneously, I won't give up being liberal...

No, not all white people are racist/bad, cultural appropriation is a stupid/divisive concept that just makes people nit pick and fight with each other meanwhile those in power/in charge fuck us all over. No, sex is not the enemy, and being attracted/enticed with someone is not 'objectification,' if you still value their autonomy/individuality. How can one not be depressed with the way things are now, when you constantly have a guilt trip shoved down your throat, get equated with rich bastard politicians, etc ?