Monday, July 31, 2017

Compassion/Empathy & The Internet of Today

Being compassionate about people, the environment, agriculture, is met with malice & scorn now. In the age where it's "hip" to be politically incorrect, purposefully offensive, and rude, it's not really safe to publicly say if you suppose a cause.

If you're a vegan (no, not the kind that act holier than thou and chastise others' dietary choices, but the kind that just quietly try to make a difference), you're going to be harassed and expect a million "bacon" remarks.
If you support lgbt rights, well you're just a sjw.
If you don't think it's cool to pick on trans folk, who already have a hell of a time trying to fit into society, you're going to be called a 'pussy' and a 'cuck.'

It's hip to be a dick, more so now than ever. I am not the kind of far-left person I used to be, but because I am still liberal and want to live in a world where people can co-exist, it feels like there's no place for me in a time where it's "cool" to be a pseudo-fascist.

It's tribalism, it's horseshoe theory, and it's immature, but it's the world we live in. It ain't a miracle that I feel a constant disconnect from socializing with people as of late.

People are either so far to the left-extreme to where everything is offensive, and you get chastised for having light skin pigment, to the before-mentioned dickish behavior on the right. We all, as humanoids, on this dying planet, have forgotten the golden rule, and how to get along. It's sad to witness this happening from quietly in the back. Makes one wonder if human beings will ever learn from their mistakes.