Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Shitty (city) Life and Lack of QOL

When I was a wee, brash, teenie bopper, I dreamed of living where I am now. I wanted the urban chaos, the noise, the clutter, all of the things that encompass living in a metropolis.

But now that I'm actually living here, I will feel like a refugee wherever I end up moving to .

1) The air quality is horrible. Because of the clusterfuck of traffic (literally EVERYONE HAS TO DRIVE to get anywhere here), the air is polluted, your skin breaks out, your hair grows limp and loses any volume, your metabolism is slower because your lungs have to work even harder. It's disgusting.
2) The city life is filthy. It can't be healthy to constantly breathe in human waste on city sidewalks everyday.
3) People are soulless and shallow. They would shoot you in the back just to get a step up on the social ladder, or a Starbucks latte. Metropolises, especially the one I'm in, has the most disingenuous people you will ever meet.
4) Creativity is stifled here. You might think the opposite. You might think that living an a huge place, creativity was encouraged. That is until you consider the cost of living, shitty quality (this leaves me with point 5) of housing, and social pressure to give into what's 'trendy.'
5) Shanty apartments. Take your pick. Would you rather live in a high crime area? A place with no kitchen sink? No air conditioning with a broken fan? A place with a bathroom where mold is growing? Or how about a place that's decently safe, has working appliances, but is 2-3 hours away form your work, that has no nearby grocery stores, and you can't get anywhere without a car, and you'll be sitting in traffic for hours.

The point being. I can't wait to move out of this shithole. Kids, don't move to a metropolis. Don't live in Alabama, or any of the cousin-humping states, but definitely don't move somewhere like here either.