Thursday, February 8, 2018

This Place is Gonna Kill Me ;_;

This place has everything. Everything, if you're into Top 40 music, Rap/Hip-Hop, want to try and claw your way to the top to be an actress/actor, and you don't mind living paycheck to paycheck in some shitty apartment to live in "the city of dreams."

I can't take much more of this place. My brain wants to emotionally shut down from all the negative, sketchy vibes of this place, all the facade of the humans here with their hidden agendas, the smugness/cattyness, and sheer ignorance, it's making me want to vomit.

I visited my parents in a state that's pretty damn conservative, and you know what happened? I got complimented for my anime shirt (Princess Mononoke). In over the 10 years I've lived in this shithole, I've never gotten a compliment for anything I've worn, or had a nice discussion about geeky things, or obscure music, no, just nasty looks, and eyerolls from people because I'm not trying to be trendy, and I don't "dress for the season," as if this place has any room to talk about seasons...

You can't be creative here outdoors, and that's the main thing that's going to make me lose my shit. Sure, you can TRY to take some cool photos or cosplay outside, but you're going to get harassed for it.

This city is supposed to be the liberal mecca where everyone breaks bread together and sings kumbaya. But in reality, it's a trendy borg collective of bitchy, flakey, backstabbing, grade A assholes, who would gladly see you go down in the dumps if it meant they get an up-and-up on the social ladder.

It's soooo hard to make friends here too. Everyone is 'too busy,' or they're too good to meet up outside of some stupid club (where they'll be intoxicated the whole time anyway).

I'm tired of the dumb pot culture also that is making people even lazier.

Moving is such a slow process and at times, I feel like I might implode before that happens. If it weren't for video games, manga/comics, and maybe my partner + fur babies, I'd be a lunatic by now. Or maybe I'd be on drugs like everyone else, just to cope with living here..... -_-
