Friday, March 2, 2018

Internet Dogpiling, Political Disillusionment, and General Social Distrust

A popular blogger/vlogger I watch today got dogpiled this week.

This guy is pretty much the political equivalent of me. He voted for Jill Stein in the last election because she was the candidate that best fit his views, as did I. Anyways.. none of that matter.

He's always been critical of a certain video game media critic (name withheld), who is basically the Tipper Gore of this generation, but instead of Punk Rock, it's video games that she is creating a hysteria about. She is trying to tie video game violence/misogyny to real life violence/misogyny. Something that there is no scientific correlation between the two, and actually there is the opposite. Because video games allow player choice.

While I have agreed with SOME of her content, mainly the reward factor for some of the gnarly stuff you can do in GTA games is off-putting, but it still isn't real. That's just my opinion. But she also sex-shames video games that are sexual in nature, like a Puritan. I don't stand for it.

There was a movement in the early 00's that was a rebellion against journalist like her (movement withheld), and this vlogger was part of it (kinda). While people were hurling sexist remarks towards her, sending her death threats, his approach was more of a, "I don't agree with her, and we should speak out against what she says, but please don't be a bigot." A perfectly reasonable position imo.

Flash forward to current day. He made a kind of joking remark about the president trying to tie the recent shooting to video game violence, and made a kind of statement like, "this is the one thing I thought he wouldn't do," and of course, the reactionary, always-offended, sect of the internet misconstrued that as he is a conservative, supported the president up-until-the-point 'he came fur muh vidya games." When people have tried to reach out to this individual, he did what all these internet justice warriors do, in call him ad hominems, try and demonize him as some woman-hating asshole, et cetera.

This is why, when I find myself in company with someone that is deep in social activism, I quickly separate myself from them. I can't trust them. With this day and age, with technology at everyone's fingertips, dogpiling, listen-and-believe tactics can ruin your life. These people are worse than actual bigots. I say that because they're monsters in disguise. You want to trust them, you put so much good faith in them having the best of intentions, you think they want to live in a great humanist, altruistic world,  but in the end, you say one thing they don't like, and they won't hesitate to attack. It's like Nietzsche said: " 'Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... "