Friday, March 16, 2018

Being Alternative + Misconceptions

1) "Special Snowflake-ism" "You hate your mom" etc: That's the general perception as of 2017-2018 when people see someone with neon hair or piercings. I'm sure that might be the case for some people, but it definitely isn't for everyone. The reason I like the way I do is very simple - Once upon a time, some band, some weird film, inspired me with its aesthetics, and I emulated it in real life. Fin. I has got fuck all to do with politics, religion, or some kind of cathartic rebellion.

2) "Must be Gay": Okay, in my case, yeah I'm not straight technically, but I don't choose to put a label on myself. I have a girlfriend, and am primarily attracted to other females, but alas, I'm not very well liked upon the 'gay community.' I don't know if it's the carry-over attitude from the 90's where the 'gay community' is all about mainstream fashion/fitting in, and they see someone like me 'making them look bad,' the general cattiness of that community in general (yes, the lesbians too),  or the fact that I'm really apathetic about the hyper-political nature of that community, find most of their music taste puke-worthy, their stereotypical dresscodes to be bland and cringey, or I just don't know. I forgot I'm not straight. I just do what I do. I like who I like. I eat Ramen, drink Thai Tea, play video games, and do artsy shit, and if I find someone attractive, I find them attractive. I'm not about to go wearing a rainbow, plaid shirts, or enamel pins (ew).

3) "Probably into kink/bdsm": I'm not asexual, per se, but I generally don't find most people attractive because of their personalities. That's really important to me, even with just a hookup. Either that, or I'm too busy doing other things to think about sex. Yeah, I have my kinks, but they're quite mild compared to the stuff you'd see, on like say, Fetlife. I find BDSM hilarious and cheesy when I see it at the club. When I see people saying "yes mistress/daddy" et cetera, I laugh, because to me, it looks comical, and not hot.

4) "Satanist": First of all, I've read Anton Lavey's work. I like some of it, but most of it sounds like he was an Ayn Rand fanboy, or really into Aleister Crowley. Not my thing. I don't believe in any Abrahamic god/deity/devil of any sort. I'm pretty friggin agnostic, and religion in general, is not a big part of my life.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Polyamory Vs Propaganda

I used to be a lot of things. I was, what the internet would call, a "social justice warrior," I was an anarchist, I was a feminist, for the longest time, I was hardcore into polyamory.

When I look back now, reflect hard on my choices, I can only see how absurd that was. I still believe that monogamy is an unnatural expectation in relationships. But underneath all the hippie dippy bullshit hard-left books spew, there are a lot of things that aren't considered in polyamorist lifestyles.

1) Time. Are you going to check off the list who you will spend the weekend with? Is there a rotation with people like commodities, even though the movement claims to be defying a society that treats people like objects?
2) Valentines Day? Are you giving everyone gifts? Who are you gonna shag?
3) Jealousy. Compersion 99% is total bullshit for most people. When you share romantic feelings for someone, it's so potent like a drug and fucks you up. If you don't get jealous, you're either hardcore into some hippie commune mentality, or a sociopath.

The only way I could see this working is if everyone lived together in the same household like you see in reality shows. Ew. Cringe factor times 1000. But what do I know?

Also, I'm really not interested in discussing/debating this as with anything. It's my opinion, and I've experienced it, so suck it up buttercups of the internet.

Friday, March 9, 2018

When the "Liberals" Disappoint You

When it comes to conservatives, I expect to be disliked, labeled stupid things. to be mocked, et cetera. I expect an idealogy that wants the world to be filled with people clad in Polo t-shirts, sucking the milk out of the tit of the corporate elite, a "Wal-Mart" type society, with no 'freaks with blue hair" et cetera.

But nothing hurts more, or feels disappointing, then seeing people who claim to be liberal, acting like asshole authoritarians: Policing what people are allowed to like, wear, tell people what sole culture/skin pallete an article of clothing or aesthetic belongs to. Shunning those who disagree with their world view. Hating people who have the same skin colour as the majority of the elite and make derogatory remarks about a person of your ethnicity, that you did not choose to have. Dividing, spewing venom. Becoming "the monster they are trying to fight."

It hurts, feels isolating, and chaotic and confusing, because you expect so much more.

I miss the generation of free expression and when people had a semblance of knowing how to mind their own business instead of this narcissistic holier than thou attitude. When you find yourself stuck in the middle of two extremes, it's lonely and the future looks so much hopeless.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Art Libertarian

Nothing to do with the political party, politics in general, but more so because of the literal definition of the world. "liber" meaning liberty/freedom from & "tarian" meaning authoritarian. 

The freedom to express one's self freely without any outside authoritarian influence. 

No one owns an aesthetic, a culture, a genre of music, an art style. As a human species, with mirror neurons firing a ton, we learn to borrow from one another. Our languages/vernaculars evolve with time. Against anyone's will evolution happens. It is no different with art. 

Music purists try to drown in nostalgia; not leaving any room for growth, trying something new. This is why many 'subcultures' die out. Old wine in new bottles gets really bland over time. 

Cultural aesthetic is something that is always being mimicked from previous generations. Our clothing of today predates the early civilizations that created textiles out of animal skins for the sole purpose of keeping warm during harsh winters. To claim one group "owns" an aesthetic, is pure authoritarianism and liberates no one. 

Anyone that tries to shame anyone for their music choice, their artistic expression, isn't worth someone's time. It's an outdated way of thinking. More forward. 

Friday, March 2, 2018

Internet Dogpiling, Political Disillusionment, and General Social Distrust

A popular blogger/vlogger I watch today got dogpiled this week.

This guy is pretty much the political equivalent of me. He voted for Jill Stein in the last election because she was the candidate that best fit his views, as did I. Anyways.. none of that matter.

He's always been critical of a certain video game media critic (name withheld), who is basically the Tipper Gore of this generation, but instead of Punk Rock, it's video games that she is creating a hysteria about. She is trying to tie video game violence/misogyny to real life violence/misogyny. Something that there is no scientific correlation between the two, and actually there is the opposite. Because video games allow player choice.

While I have agreed with SOME of her content, mainly the reward factor for some of the gnarly stuff you can do in GTA games is off-putting, but it still isn't real. That's just my opinion. But she also sex-shames video games that are sexual in nature, like a Puritan. I don't stand for it.

There was a movement in the early 00's that was a rebellion against journalist like her (movement withheld), and this vlogger was part of it (kinda). While people were hurling sexist remarks towards her, sending her death threats, his approach was more of a, "I don't agree with her, and we should speak out against what she says, but please don't be a bigot." A perfectly reasonable position imo.

Flash forward to current day. He made a kind of joking remark about the president trying to tie the recent shooting to video game violence, and made a kind of statement like, "this is the one thing I thought he wouldn't do," and of course, the reactionary, always-offended, sect of the internet misconstrued that as he is a conservative, supported the president up-until-the-point 'he came fur muh vidya games." When people have tried to reach out to this individual, he did what all these internet justice warriors do, in call him ad hominems, try and demonize him as some woman-hating asshole, et cetera.

This is why, when I find myself in company with someone that is deep in social activism, I quickly separate myself from them. I can't trust them. With this day and age, with technology at everyone's fingertips, dogpiling, listen-and-believe tactics can ruin your life. These people are worse than actual bigots. I say that because they're monsters in disguise. You want to trust them, you put so much good faith in them having the best of intentions, you think they want to live in a great humanist, altruistic world,  but in the end, you say one thing they don't like, and they won't hesitate to attack. It's like Nietzsche said: " 'Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... "