But nothing hurts more, or feels disappointing, then seeing people who claim to be liberal, acting like asshole authoritarians: Policing what people are allowed to like, wear, tell people what sole culture/skin pallete an article of clothing or aesthetic belongs to. Shunning those who disagree with their world view. Hating people who have the same skin colour as the majority of the elite and make derogatory remarks about a person of your ethnicity, that you did not choose to have. Dividing, spewing venom. Becoming "the monster they are trying to fight."
It hurts, feels isolating, and chaotic and confusing, because you expect so much more.
I miss the generation of free expression and when people had a semblance of knowing how to mind their own business instead of this narcissistic holier than thou attitude. When you find yourself stuck in the middle of two extremes, it's lonely and the future looks so much hopeless.