Friday, April 6, 2018

"Edgelords," "SJW's," and Why I Vote Giant Meteor 2020

People are more tribalistic  now, more than I've ever seen, and it's obnoxious and frustrating. 

The person who makes a reasonable point about how just maybe, maybe, in gaming culture, if you reveal you are a female, gay, or anything other than the majority demographic, you will be harassed, because you stand out. Will get called an "SJW." It doesn't even matter if you make the point that you aren't making a blanket statement about the whole group. It doesn't matter if you aren't coming from any particular political ideation, but just want to make a point about how people could, I dunno... be more decent.. you still get labelled this.

Simultaneously! .... If you make the point that just because there are some bad apples in a group, that doesn't mean the whole group should be demonized, you get called "misogynistic," "right-wing," a "bigot." 

Tribalistic bullshit, identity politics, and following a herd (be it the social justice sect of Youtube, or the now-conservative-leaning, edgelord, 'skeptic' sect) are making humankind less decent to each other, complete assholes, and we are forgetting the "golden rule." It's fucked. So many people yell about how "you won't even have a conversation!" but when you do, it's constant labels, ad hominems, and more interest in being the "dominate" one in the discourse, instead of maybe having some kind of human empathy towards the other side, and learn to respect each other as individuals. 

I hate that people like Milo are looked up to, when he spews nothing but paranoia and hysteria, and influences people to try and get a rise out of people, and justify it with "toughen up." 

I hate that people like Anita have such an influence, to where geeks are looked down upon, called horrible things, made out to be anti-gay, woman-haters, and censorship is the end-result of it. 

People are so wrapped up in parroting what their ilk says, and scoring "rekt" points, that we all forget that the world sucks. We have to work hard. We have to struggle. We have health problems, emotions, we fall in love, we get our heart broken. We're all fucked up in some way or another, and we forget the fact that we don't know another's lived experience, what they've been through, and what's happening in their day-to-day lives. Society is so divided, and it's sad to watch.