Saturday, August 4, 2018

"Skepticism" (rambly)

It's current year, to obligatory.

It's 'skeptical' to not question people spewing bigoted rhetoric. 'Open market place of ideas.'

Ironically the stubborn religious person barks "prove to me there's no god, or explain the earth, who created everything," just like skeptics shutdown any dissenting opinions by barking 'sjw.'

No admitting of flaws. Just like fundamentalists.

Yes, social justice has become dogmatic nonsense, demonizing video games, equating a caucasian hippie with dreads to white supremacists, painting whole groups of people with the same broad of a brush. But you don't become like Nietzsche described, like the abyss.

A community that gave the finger to religious extremism, now strives to have a world void of art.

"You have dyed hair, you must hate your mom."
"Vegans, you're literally cancer."

Instead of, "that isn't my thing, but cool, the world is better off with creative people."
or maybe the evil 'vegan' just is doing something to change the way our food is mass-produced, and making us all sick. (side note: I am plant-based, but I don't ever chastise meat eaters. I just want to get rid of factory farming that is making food contaminated and causing illnesses such as the salmonella outbreaks linked to cow manure in crowded farms).

Why is it seen as 'mature,' 'skeptical,' or 'intellectual' to walk in lockstep with people that really want to cause harm to society. While the college feminist may be insufferable, the other side will inevitably want to control everyone.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Codex to Fix Stupidity::

1) Anyone is capable of being a total ignoramous, moron. No matter their creed or political view.
2) Anyone can be a racist. Reshaping the word, to where only one demographic can be guilty of this, only serves to demonize one group and grant the other immunity.
3) Because someone has dyed hair, that does not mean they are an extremist/political kind of person. It could mean:
 a) They like the way it looks
 b) "That guy from the band" looked cool with it
 c) They're an otaku
 d) They're artsy in some way
4) It's just as dumb for people to get up-in-arms/"triggered" over crass humor, as much as it is for people to lose their shit when they find out someone is vegan. "Mind your own business" can be a mantra to fix the stupidity of both groups of people.
5) No one owns a culture. Evolution is part of every living being on this earth. Culture is no exception to this rule. To keep cultures/aesthetics only available to one group is not only stupid, but denying the inevitable that traditions/art/style/aesthetics will one day mend together.
6) It isn't bigoted to voice concerns about a religion/ideology that promotes violence.
7) If you join a violent/bigoted group of people just to "piss off the other side," then you aren't a very rational or mature human being.
8) Call out culture is a disease that ruins society when it paints a large group of people with the same broad of brush. It divides people and destroys any opportunity of co-existence, and end the end, is just a bitchy witch hunt for the goal of moral grand-standing.
9) If attractive fictional characters offend you, you don't have to watch. You don't get to enforce your morals/ideology on those that aren't offended.
10) For the last fucking time, if "soy" really is something that you're concerned about, and you're terrified that it will feminize you, you're more at risk eating that burgers/steak than the vegan eating their texturized vegetable protein. Look up the additives in factory farmed meat, especially those bought at your local fast-food/department store locations.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Nobodies Girl™

Unplugging from the internet. It sounds so, easy, but it's an addiction. Sometimes I feel as if I'm injecting heroin into my veins every time I wander on social media. It's a redundant battle of hypocrisy, tribalism, vanity/narcissism, and a cesspool of ads.

It can be tenfold more toxic, when you just don't/can't fit into anyone's mold. I'm never going to be the good little social justice warrior; simultaneously, I won't give up being liberal...

No, not all white people are racist/bad, cultural appropriation is a stupid/divisive concept that just makes people nit pick and fight with each other meanwhile those in power/in charge fuck us all over. No, sex is not the enemy, and being attracted/enticed with someone is not 'objectification,' if you still value their autonomy/individuality. How can one not be depressed with the way things are now, when you constantly have a guilt trip shoved down your throat, get equated with rich bastard politicians, etc ?

Friday, April 6, 2018

"Edgelords," "SJW's," and Why I Vote Giant Meteor 2020

People are more tribalistic  now, more than I've ever seen, and it's obnoxious and frustrating. 

The person who makes a reasonable point about how just maybe, maybe, in gaming culture, if you reveal you are a female, gay, or anything other than the majority demographic, you will be harassed, because you stand out. Will get called an "SJW." It doesn't even matter if you make the point that you aren't making a blanket statement about the whole group. It doesn't matter if you aren't coming from any particular political ideation, but just want to make a point about how people could, I dunno... be more decent.. you still get labelled this.

Simultaneously! .... If you make the point that just because there are some bad apples in a group, that doesn't mean the whole group should be demonized, you get called "misogynistic," "right-wing," a "bigot." 

Tribalistic bullshit, identity politics, and following a herd (be it the social justice sect of Youtube, or the now-conservative-leaning, edgelord, 'skeptic' sect) are making humankind less decent to each other, complete assholes, and we are forgetting the "golden rule." It's fucked. So many people yell about how "you won't even have a conversation!" but when you do, it's constant labels, ad hominems, and more interest in being the "dominate" one in the discourse, instead of maybe having some kind of human empathy towards the other side, and learn to respect each other as individuals. 

I hate that people like Milo are looked up to, when he spews nothing but paranoia and hysteria, and influences people to try and get a rise out of people, and justify it with "toughen up." 

I hate that people like Anita have such an influence, to where geeks are looked down upon, called horrible things, made out to be anti-gay, woman-haters, and censorship is the end-result of it. 

People are so wrapped up in parroting what their ilk says, and scoring "rekt" points, that we all forget that the world sucks. We have to work hard. We have to struggle. We have health problems, emotions, we fall in love, we get our heart broken. We're all fucked up in some way or another, and we forget the fact that we don't know another's lived experience, what they've been through, and what's happening in their day-to-day lives. Society is so divided, and it's sad to watch. 

Friday, March 16, 2018

Being Alternative + Misconceptions

1) "Special Snowflake-ism" "You hate your mom" etc: That's the general perception as of 2017-2018 when people see someone with neon hair or piercings. I'm sure that might be the case for some people, but it definitely isn't for everyone. The reason I like the way I do is very simple - Once upon a time, some band, some weird film, inspired me with its aesthetics, and I emulated it in real life. Fin. I has got fuck all to do with politics, religion, or some kind of cathartic rebellion.

2) "Must be Gay": Okay, in my case, yeah I'm not straight technically, but I don't choose to put a label on myself. I have a girlfriend, and am primarily attracted to other females, but alas, I'm not very well liked upon the 'gay community.' I don't know if it's the carry-over attitude from the 90's where the 'gay community' is all about mainstream fashion/fitting in, and they see someone like me 'making them look bad,' the general cattiness of that community in general (yes, the lesbians too),  or the fact that I'm really apathetic about the hyper-political nature of that community, find most of their music taste puke-worthy, their stereotypical dresscodes to be bland and cringey, or I just don't know. I forgot I'm not straight. I just do what I do. I like who I like. I eat Ramen, drink Thai Tea, play video games, and do artsy shit, and if I find someone attractive, I find them attractive. I'm not about to go wearing a rainbow, plaid shirts, or enamel pins (ew).

3) "Probably into kink/bdsm": I'm not asexual, per se, but I generally don't find most people attractive because of their personalities. That's really important to me, even with just a hookup. Either that, or I'm too busy doing other things to think about sex. Yeah, I have my kinks, but they're quite mild compared to the stuff you'd see, on like say, Fetlife. I find BDSM hilarious and cheesy when I see it at the club. When I see people saying "yes mistress/daddy" et cetera, I laugh, because to me, it looks comical, and not hot.

4) "Satanist": First of all, I've read Anton Lavey's work. I like some of it, but most of it sounds like he was an Ayn Rand fanboy, or really into Aleister Crowley. Not my thing. I don't believe in any Abrahamic god/deity/devil of any sort. I'm pretty friggin agnostic, and religion in general, is not a big part of my life.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Polyamory Vs Propaganda

I used to be a lot of things. I was, what the internet would call, a "social justice warrior," I was an anarchist, I was a feminist, for the longest time, I was hardcore into polyamory.

When I look back now, reflect hard on my choices, I can only see how absurd that was. I still believe that monogamy is an unnatural expectation in relationships. But underneath all the hippie dippy bullshit hard-left books spew, there are a lot of things that aren't considered in polyamorist lifestyles.

1) Time. Are you going to check off the list who you will spend the weekend with? Is there a rotation with people like commodities, even though the movement claims to be defying a society that treats people like objects?
2) Valentines Day? Are you giving everyone gifts? Who are you gonna shag?
3) Jealousy. Compersion 99% is total bullshit for most people. When you share romantic feelings for someone, it's so potent like a drug and fucks you up. If you don't get jealous, you're either hardcore into some hippie commune mentality, or a sociopath.

The only way I could see this working is if everyone lived together in the same household like you see in reality shows. Ew. Cringe factor times 1000. But what do I know?

Also, I'm really not interested in discussing/debating this as with anything. It's my opinion, and I've experienced it, so suck it up buttercups of the internet.

Friday, March 9, 2018

When the "Liberals" Disappoint You

When it comes to conservatives, I expect to be disliked, labeled stupid things. to be mocked, et cetera. I expect an idealogy that wants the world to be filled with people clad in Polo t-shirts, sucking the milk out of the tit of the corporate elite, a "Wal-Mart" type society, with no 'freaks with blue hair" et cetera.

But nothing hurts more, or feels disappointing, then seeing people who claim to be liberal, acting like asshole authoritarians: Policing what people are allowed to like, wear, tell people what sole culture/skin pallete an article of clothing or aesthetic belongs to. Shunning those who disagree with their world view. Hating people who have the same skin colour as the majority of the elite and make derogatory remarks about a person of your ethnicity, that you did not choose to have. Dividing, spewing venom. Becoming "the monster they are trying to fight."

It hurts, feels isolating, and chaotic and confusing, because you expect so much more.

I miss the generation of free expression and when people had a semblance of knowing how to mind their own business instead of this narcissistic holier than thou attitude. When you find yourself stuck in the middle of two extremes, it's lonely and the future looks so much hopeless.